How Many Claps ‘Til You Reach the End of IM Training?

We often get questions on how to use IM with specific populations, how to work with the equipment and anything else that is causing our Providers headaches. Amy Vega, a fabulous SLP and our Clinical Education Director, is here to answer those questions in a weekly series. This time we are covering the length of IM training. Many people look at this as a certain number of claps; so, how many claps does it take to reach the end of the average IM training plan.

Using IM to Work on Attention: Auditory and Visual

From time to time, we get questions on how to use IM with specific populations, how to work with the equipment and anything else that is causing our Providers headaches. Amy Vega, a fabulous SLP and our Clinical Education Director, is here to answer those questions in a weekly series. Each week, we will address one topic in-depth that has plagued our Providers. So, be sure to check back here for all the answers to your questions. While you're at it, send in a question that has been on your mind. You never know who else it may help.

How To Use Difficulty Settings With IM Training

From time to time, we get questions on how to use IM with specific populations, how to work with the equipment and anything else that is causing our Providers headaches. Amy Vega, a fabulous SLP and our Clinical Education Director, is here to answer those questions in a weekly series. Each week, we will address one topic in-depth that has plagued our Providers. So, be sure to check back here for all the answers to your questions. While you're at it, send in a question that has been on your mind. You never know who else it may help.

Motivation and Success

Staying motivated is the key to success in life and with Interactive Metronome training. Check out Wendy Harron's great tips on keeping children motivated to excel with IM.

TBI Can’t Take Your Heart

This TBI Awareness Day enjoy a poem by one of our Providers, Wendy Harron. Wendy knows firsthand how TBI can change your life, but she hasn't let it slow her down. Check out Wendy's inspiring words!

Developmental Optometrist

Developmental Optometrists Developmental optometrists, also known as behavioral or pediatric optometrists (if your specialty is with school age children), are more than your average eye doctor. There is more to[...]

Mental Health Professionals

Mental Health Professionals Like the family and caregivers they work with everyday, mental health professionals are concerned with an individual approach to treatment. Whether it is a clinical psychologist focusing on[...]

Educators/School Psychologists

Educators & School Psychologists Today, maybe more than ever, schools are facing heavy pressure to keep standardized test numbers high and budgets low. This approach to educating children usually means[...]

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