IM Featured in the “Let’s Talk” Podcast – Featuring IM Provider Sue Zapf

Our providers are truly passionate about helping their clients and utilizing Interactive Metronome. Take a moment to check out Sue Zapf, an IM provider who was recently featured on the "Let's Talk" Podcast. She shares valuable insights about using IM, particularly for individuals facing learning challenges. 
Listen to the full podcast now

“Are you ready?”

Ash refused to let Autism Spectrum Disorder rule his life, learn how his grades and behavioral patterns greatly improved after training with Interactive Metronome.
Ash, a 10-year-old boy diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, didn’t typically struggle with his academics but had the tendency to speak out of turn, chew on his clothing or other items he found around him, and had trouble keeping his hands to himself which was often reflected in on his daily report card. After trying other modalities with no improvement, IM was introduced. Ash struggled getting used to the headphones and the rhythm but was excited to try this “new computer game with clapping”. Being a perfectionist, Ash refused to give up and wanted to do better. After months of IM training, he was able to meet his IM goal and it showed not only on his report card but with his abilities to stay on task in class and even lead his gym class in their warm-up exercises.

Want to avoid autism? Try going out in the sun.

Over the past 20 years, autism has become an increasingly common developmental disorder in children, causing abnormal social behavior and communication problems. At the same time, sunscreen usage has steadily risen and people have become more likely to avoid the sun for health reasons. Could something as simple as getting more sun actual help prevent autism spectrum disorder? New research suggests that it can.

Hand-over-hand IM training and autism

We often get questions on how to use IM with specific populations, how to work with the equipment and anything else that is causing our Providers headaches. Amy Vega, a fabulous SLP and our Clinical Education Director, is here to answer those questions from time to time. Today, she tackles an important question for parents and our OT and PT professionals: I know every kid is different, but approximately how many sessions would be typical for an almost non-speaking 15 yo with autism?


Neurologists Problems with sensory feedback and integration are generally associated with neurological conditions. Neurological disorders can extend into areas of memory, language/speech, processing, attention, planning and sequencing. Additionally, most disorders[...]

JJ Opens Up To the World

JJ is a bright young boy who had some motor difficulties and social issues associated with his Asperger's syndrome. He wasn't very active, hated sports and really just didn't want to do much in school or around home. Nowadays, JJ is leading hikes for his Boy Scout group, playing ball at school and hosting a special pool party for his friends! What a turnaround! Find out how JJ was able to open up to the world with IM training.

Billy comes out of his shell with IM training

Billy is an amazing young man who has autism. He is awesome at school, but was really struggling with motor planning and daily tasks, such as dressing and bathing. When he came back to occupational therapy after a few years off, his therapist knew just how to speed up his training plan--Interactive Metronome® training! In just a few weeks, Billy was laughing, playing and smiling again. Check out Billy's story here.

IM and Autism: Chuck takes amazing strides with IM Training

We love to share our success stories, and this month is no different. In honor of Autism Awareness Month, we are going to be shining the spotlight on some amazing clients who have taken great strides with IM training. With a little determination and some guidance from our wonderful Providers, many children with autism have seen improvements in behavior, attention, communication and sensory processing. Can IM be the missing link in your clinic? Find out how Chuck changed his life...

Making IM training work for children on the spectrum

Every now and then, our Providers are hesitant to try IM training with clients on the autism spectrum because of sensory issues. However, while there are many different sounds and visuals associated with IM training, nearly every setting on the IM Pro Universe software is completely customizable. That means you can set up IM training for any client, no matter what deficit is the focus! Wendy Harron, a fabulous OT and IM Provider, is here with some tips to get you started.

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