March is National Brain Injury Awareness Month

Brain injuries are very different than any other injury because our brain stores all of our memories, controls our movements, and shapes our personality; the brain is truly the essence of who we are. Brain injuries often lead to multiple complications, such as seizures, coma, fluid and pressure in the skull, infections, nerve damage, blood vessel damage, and cognitive deficits that can result in behavioral and emotional changes. Individuals often find that they have trouble with memory, problem-solving/decision-making skills, attention, language/speaking, writing, impulse control, anxiety, depression, balance, and hand-eye coordination. Learn how Interactive Metronome®can help brain injury sufferers by working to physiologically change the functional brain networks that control rhythm and timing.

Interactive Metronome & ALS: It’s About Quality of Life

Prior to IM training, he had lost his ability to fully extend his fingers on both hands. After performing the customized IM exercises for finger extension with Robyn for about2 1/2 months, Larry regained the ability to fully extend the fingers on his right hand and partially extend the fingers on his left hand….In Larry’s own words, “I firmly believe that Interactive Metronome® therapy has played a large part in stalling the progression of ALS and believe it should be a frontline defense therapy for early diagnosed patients.”

Interactive Metronome Makes Rick’s Forgetfulness a Distant Memory

Rick is a 47 year old veteran and college student. He suffered a stroke and now he is having some problems with memory, speech and number recall in particular. He used to be an EMT (emergency medical technician), so he wasn’t used to being the one that needed medical assistance. Although it was frustrating for him at first, Rick powered through his IM training and saw improvement across the board. Not only did his memory and speech fluency improve, but he is having less dizzy spells and just feels more confident. This summer he passed his compressed algebra course and is back on track for success.

Understanding the Forbrain® Effect

We perceive sound via the audio-vocal loop. Then, we analyze it, assimilate it, and continuously adjust in response to it. This process relies upon auditory discrimination, phonological awareness, and rhythm. Forbrain®, an altered auditory feedback (AAF) device, takes advantage of this audio-vocal loop & heightens a user’s perception of his own voice & speech through bone conduction headphones that are equipped with a high sensitivity microphone. As the user talks into the microphone, a patented electronic dynamic filter blocks out environmental noise & amplifies the user’s voice, enhancing long vowels and other sounds that are the building blocks of language.

Seeing Through Adversity With Interactive Metronome

Simon, 24 years old, had a traumatic brain injury a year ago due to gun shot wounds. He is blind in his left eye and only has a quadrant of vision in his right. This caused Simon to have trouble with concentrating as well as safety judgment. He began IM after five months of a brain program. IM helped him with is attention and concentration along with helping him feel more calm in social situations.

One Task at A Time to A Seasoned Multi-Tasker

Randolph is a successful professional in his 50s. But even successful people have set backs. His being multi-tasking. While working on a single task, everything is fine and he is able to get through it with no problems. Two or more tasks at a time is when he starts to lose focus. For instance, driving and holding a conversation couldn't be done simultaneously. Fortunately, IM was able to help him re-gain focus and become a better multi-tasker.

Removing the Cloud of Depression With IM

Natalie has suffered a 20 year battle with depression. Not only does it run in her family but she also went through severe postpartum after the birth of her daughter. Before IM, she experienced agitation and anxiety along with depression, which affected her daily life. After IM, she is better with decision making on a daily basis and looking forward to the future.

Iman improves 100% with IM

Iman lives at home with his mother and father, as well as an older brother. Iman is six years-old and is enrolled in elementary school. Based on caregiver and teacher[...]

Making Moves at Any Age with IM

Tom, a retired veterinarian diagnosed with Parkinson’s, was struggling with consistent movement.  After IM training, not only was be able to improve his weight shifting but he also able to ease his reliance on his walker. 

Improving attention isn’t just for kids


Claudia is an older woman has been diagnosed with demenita.  Claudia's family wasn't really sure how to help her, so they reached out to Interactive Metronome®.  With IM training, Claudia was able to improve and increase her attention.

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