Interactive Metronome Makes Rick’s Forgetfulness a Distant Memory

Rick is a 47 year old veteran and college student. He suffered a stroke and now he is having some problems with memory, speech and number recall in particular. He used to be an EMT (emergency medical technician), so he wasn’t used to being the one that needed medical assistance. Although it was frustrating for him at first, Rick powered through his IM training and saw improvement across the board. Not only did his memory and speech fluency improve, but he is having less dizzy spells and just feels more confident. This summer he passed his compressed algebra course and is back on track for success.

Featured in the News: Interactive Metronome therapy brings Bradenton woman relief from migraines

Keep IM in the Family: How IM-Home ensured a successful recovery


“IM not only gave me back my life - it became a part of my life”

Joanne had no idea what was in store for her when her daughter enrolled her grandchildren into one of my IM programs. As the weeks went by and the children started to show dramatic signs of improvement, her daughter’s plan to help her began to unfold. It started with an innocent e-mail “I see how much IM is helping my children, do you think it could help my mother?” - and so the plot began to thicken...


Come back to Life! IM Helps Bob Recover from Stroke

Bob is now able to use his right arm to feed himself, write his name legibly, make a sandwich, dial the phone and tie his shoes. Bob’s therapist recently ran into him at a high school swim meet. He gestured to her to climb up high in the bleachers to join him where they “caught up” on all of his latest activities!

Drive on! With IM stroke recovery


Drive on! With IM stroke recovery

It is difficult to imagine not being able to manage simple daily tasks on your own, such as preparing breakfast and school lunches or get your clothes out of the drier, folding them and putting them away. And when John, a-47-year old man with no prior health concerns, had a stroke that’s exactly what happened. John was the breadwinner for his family and needed to get his mobility and independence back to support his wife and four teenage boys. John did Interactive Metronome (IM) training 3 times a week for a total 19 sessions and became able to manage his life normally. John passed his driving test and went back to work full-time, in addition to being able to care for his tasks at home. IM was a lifesaver for John and his family. John wasn’t the first person IM has helped and won’t be the last. 

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