We are Proud to Announce Our February Provider of the Month

Dr. Susan Zapf is an Occupational Therapist and Assistive Technology Professional with over 27 years of experience working with the pediatric population in both private practice and the school-based settings. She is an entrepreneur and is the Owner and Clinical of The Children’s Therapy Center, Inc., a prominent pediatric sensory integration clinic in Houston, Texas. Dr. Zapf is also the Owner and President of Children’s Journey to Shine, Inc, an educational training company that educates healthcare professionals on assistive technology assessment and service delivery and provides therapy services that utilize animals and nature as tools in therapy. Dr. Zapf is the President of Reining Potential of Texas, a non-profit organization that uses the horse in occupational therapy services. Dr. Zapf is adjunct faculty for the Ph.D. Pediatric Science track at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions in Provo, Utah, and teaches a course on assistive technology. As an occupational therapist, she is passionate about helping children and their families develop skills to reach their full potential and she believes that occupational therapy, assistive technology, and animals can be powerful interventions to assist in this process.

Setting your 2023 Goals

Now that you have settled into the new year, have you set professional goals for yourself? Professional goals are the actionable steps you need to take to grow in your career. Ask yourself that elusive job interview question: “where do you see yourself and your career in five years?”, then build your goals from there. Below are 3 professional development goals where Interactive Metronome may be of help.

Helping Hard Hitters!

Do you have patients that are hard hitters? We are here to help! We are here to provide you with a few helpful hints and share how other clinicians like[...]

May Provider of the Month- Debbie Flannery

Meet our provider of the month Debbie Flannery owner of LifeFit BrainFit. Debbie now holds a Masters Degree in Health and Fitness, who is also a certified Tai Chi instructor. She has a[...]

Toy Story

This time of year really gets people thinking about toys. And while most people may be deciding between a Playstation 4 or Xbox One, neither system is the best decision children. Check out these helpful tips about toys that can actually teach while they entertain.

Ataxia: Treatment with Interactive Metronome

Ataxia is a central nervous system disorder that attacks balance and coordination. Interactive Metronome is a preferred tool to treat ataxia patients because balance and coordination are at the core of its purpose. Check out the video for quick look at ataxia.


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