The Science Behind IM
Special Report: The Interactive Metronome (IM) and ADHD
National Time Management Month is celebrated during February each year. February is the perfect month to focus on time management skills with your clients. Time management is not as complex or difficult as it seems. When children learn time management early in life, they tend to do so for the rest of their lives. Time management in students helps them achieve their academic and recreational goals. It also teaches them to be independent and productive.
Children diagnosed with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often have difficulty staying on task and staying organized, all of which can make time management challenging. This is because of the way the brain tends to process things when a person is living with ADHD.
Testimonial: Going to Back to School with ADHD
9-year-old Anna has been diagnosed with ADHD and has difficulty focusing and is easily distracted. She showed signs of moodiness, was easily bored, and had emotional breakdowns. After completing 14 sessions and 20,000 repetitions of Interactive Metronome, Anna's family noticed she was taking better initiative with significant improvement in her temper tantrums. They also reported Anna was learning better ways to study, which ultimately led to her receiving A's and B's in school.
As seen on – Rhythm Notion: 10 Benefits of Music for ADHD Brains
The benefits of music are wide-ranging and well documented. From teaching empathy and improving memory and concentration, to helping track time and easing emotions, music can change the life of a child with ADHD. Here, learn how lyrics, rhythm, melody, and tempo work their magic.
Neurologists Problems with sensory feedback and integration are generally associated with neurological conditions. Neurological disorders can extend into areas of memory, language/speech, processing, attention, planning and sequencing. Additionally, most disorders[...]
Sam’s ADHD Success Story!
Sam is an 8 year, 9 month old male with no significant medical history. Born at 38 weeks gestation, with a birth weight of 8 pounds, 9 ounces, he achieved[...]
Restoring Hope with Interactive Metronome!
Sean was adopted at nine months old, now 11 years old, lives with his mother, father, and two sisters. For much of his life, Sean has suffered from mood swings,[...]
Focus on the Things That Matter
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most diagnosed childhood disorders, but children aren't the only ones who can be affected. This new infographic will help you to explain to your clients the types of ADHD, how symptoms can present themselves in various environments and tips to living with ADHD.
Improving attention isn’t just for kids
Claudia is an older woman has been diagnosed with demenita. Claudia's family wasn't really sure how to help her, so they reached out to Interactive Metronome®. With IM training, Claudia was able to improve and increase her attention.
IM Training Puts Harris on the “Write” Track
Harris was a bright young boy who was having some difficulty with school. He was having trouble concentrating and he struggled with his handwriting, both of which made it tough to complete assignments. After just a few weeks, IM training had helped Harris turn it around. Now he is finishing assignments, he is handling stress better and his writing speed has increased by a whopping 60%!