18 month old recognizes her father for the first time


18 month old recognizes her father for the first time

Seeing a father feel the love of his daughter is a priceless reward for us at Interactive Metronome. Emma’s father, a U.S. Navy sailor, found her daughter alert after coming back from an extended out-to-sea period. He tearfully said “For the first time ever, she knows who I am. She recognizes me when she sees me.” After hearing so many diagnoses and the disheartening news about his daughter’s future everyone in Emma’s family couldn’t believe the amazing improvements that IM therapy had made in such a short time. Emma now makes and maintains eye contact, smiles, and shows emotion. Her startle reflex is greatly reduced, and she is totally non-defensive when her feet or hands are touched. Read this amazing story to see the power of IM.

{"video":"http://youtu.be/XY_YeCHE1gc","width":"325","height":"225"}   {"video":"http://youtu.be/rwerT-qpcP0","width":"325","height":"225"}




An Amputee crosses the Disney Marathon Finish Line: She said IM was the reason and “saved her life”


An Amputee crosses the Disney Marathon Finish Line: She said IM was the reason and “saved her life”

Brenda was born with a deformity of her right foot and never walked the way she would have liked to. So when she was 35, she decided to have a below-the-knee-amputation. Brenda did not expect that the recovery was going to be as hard as it was and went into a deep depression. She had lost all hope to walk now and thought she made the biggest mistake of her life. But Interactive Metronome put her back on her feet! After IM, Brenda completed the Disney Marathon. Brenda attributes her success to IM saying, “Interactive Metronome saved my life”.



Drive on! With IM stroke recovery


Drive on! With IM stroke recovery

It is difficult to imagine not being able to manage simple daily tasks on your own, such as preparing breakfast and school lunches or get your clothes out of the drier, folding them and putting them away. And when John, a-47-year old man with no prior health concerns, had a stroke that’s exactly what happened. John was the breadwinner for his family and needed to get his mobility and independence back to support his wife and four teenage boys. John did Interactive Metronome (IM) training 3 times a week for a total 19 sessions and became able to manage his life normally. John passed his driving test and went back to work full-time, in addition to being able to care for his tasks at home. IM was a lifesaver for John and his family. John wasn’t the first person IM has helped and won’t be the last. 

Independent again with the help of IM: Paul’s Story

Independent again with the help of IM: Paul’s Story

Independence is one of the most important outcomes a Parkinson’s patient is concerned with when degeneration starts to occur. So when Paul fell and couldn’t walk on his own or manage daily tasks, he felt like his life was over...especially when he was admitted to inpatient rehab. His OT introduced IM into his therapy plan and after only 6 sessions Paul was discharged from inpatient therapy but still had to use a rolling walker. Paul continued to do IM in outpatient therapy and that’s when the gains really started to show. At discharge, Paul was able to perform multiple repetitive sit-to-stand transitions without physical assistance, retrieve items from overhead and the floor independently, perform floor transfers independently, transport small items while walking, and resume working in the carpentry shop. Because he had regained control over his standing balance for short periods of time, Paul was able to resume performance of grooming tasks while standing and to sing an entire hymn at church without holding on to the pew. The read Paul’s full story below.

Alzheimer’s patient comes out of her cocoon: husband says, “I got my wife back”


Alzheimer’s patient comes out of her cocoon: husband says, “I got my wife back”

When we had this case study turned into us, we couldn’t believe the results. It is about an Alzheimer’s patient who couldn’t remember her grocery list while at the store, lost her keys consistently, couldn’t remember her grandchildren’s names, and couldn’t remember how to sew (which was her previous career and favorite past-time). She went through IM and that all changed. Read the case study to find out how.


Adam talks about his training experience with IM

Adam talks about his training experience with IM

Adam completed a short-term rehab with IM after a TBI and showed significant improvement when comparing pre and post-test scores. He is another living testament of the incredible success in using the Interactive metronome. Here’s what Adam has to say, “I am now better able to concentrate, focus, and understand key points more easily.” Read his full story on our Success Stories page.

Vision Therapists are Using IM to treat ADD/ADHD


Check out this artcle published in "The Dispatch" on September 17, 2011

Written by: Jan Swoope- jswoope@cdispatch.com

The eyes have it: Some find life-altering results in vision therapy

On Wednesday, 10-year-old Matt Morel of Caledonia came home from school with a social studies assignment and 10 or so questions to answer about Christopher Columbus. The everyday task might seem ho-hum in most households, but that the fifth-grader could tackle it on his own is cause for joy as far as his parents, Melanie and Keith, are concerned. A year ago, he couldn't have.

"Before Matt had vision therapy, there was no way he could read that and do it," declared his dedicated mom, who used to spend hour after frustrating hour trying to help her son slog through homework. "Even if he had an open book for an exercise in class, it was useless."