By Interactive Metronome - March 5, 2013

Featured in the News: New approach to ADHD has promising results

by Marissa Torres

It's not the latest video game to hit big. This is 25 year old Malachi Wristen participating in a classic session with the Interactive Metronome treatment.

It's a computer generated beat that works with hand and foot sensors and multiple rhythmic exercises.

Malachi hears a series of beats through the headphones… then reacts.

"When the trigger is hit, it feeds to the computer and sends a number or a score," says Alice Stewart, a Neurological Trainer at Heuser Chiropractic.

That score shows accuracy. Someone with ADHD, Like Malichi, tends to be ahead of the Metronome indicating hyperactivity and 'impulsivity'.

"At first I thought there were only certain disabilities or disorders that could be treated by IM. But I've realized over time, that it's almost anyone that can use this program."

From ADHD, to Cerebral Palsy and stuttering, to Parkinsons, it even helps treat the numerous traumatic brain injuries Malachi suffered while overseas with the Army.

"Before I started this, I didn't have any success, and i'd just get worse and worse, just lack of interest because I wasn't able to sit for too long," says Malachi. "my focus has come back a lot, like, I really enjoy working out… and reading."

So how exactly does it all work? Stewart says the exercises help the brain strengthen the connection between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Malachi started in November and says it didn't take long until he saw promising results.

"Before I started this, I didn't have any success, and i'd just get worse and worse, just lack of interest because I wasn't able to sit for too long."

"When medications aren't enough, or when you feel like the medication is too much for your child and the dosage is too high. There are other options. And I feel like this is one of the best options that a parent could choose," adds Stewart.

IM Therapy can be used on all ages. Stewart says a lot of the parents she meets come to her as a last resort, out of desperation. Within a month of having two sessions a week, teachers and parents say their kids are doing better in school and are more aware of how to handle certain emotions.

For more information, Contact Heuser Chiropractic in Colorado Springs at (719)574-6006

To read full orginal article click here.

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