What is IM-Home

What is IM-Home?

The Interactive Metronome (IM) is a research-based training program that helps children and adults overcome attention, memory, and coordination limitations. The IM-Home delivery brings the benefits of IM into the comfort of your own home. You complete your personalized program on your own time, in your own home, with the guidance and supervision of a trained specialist. IM-Home works for people of all ages who have a variety of conditions affecting their cognitive and physical abilities.


We’re different

There are many “brain fitness” programs that claim to work on attention, concentration and memory. But, these programs require the client to work on cognitive exercises alone. Research shows that combining physical and mental exercises significantly improve results. That’s why IM-Home incorporates movement and coordination activities, for a complete brain and body workout. Tailored for each patient, IM-Home capitalizes on the mind-body connection to improve thinking skills and coordination.

IM-Home’s results enrich our patients’ everyday lives. In addition to improving the results patients get from traditional therapy, IM-Home increases patients’ ability to function independently.

Order today, or read more about the benefits of IM-Home for children and adults.

IM-Home for Children

Children with conditions from ADHD to Autism have successfully used IM-Home to improve their academic, physical, and interpersonal skills. Using IM-Home, kids are often better able to do the following:

  • Sit calmly and concentrate on tasks like homework and reading
  • Improve overall academic performance
  • Interact more frequently with peers and family members
  • Participate productively in enrichment activities like sports, music lessons, dance, martial arts, and gymnastics
  • Use memory recall skills
  • Follow multi-step directions
  • Communicate more effectively, both verbally and in writing
  • Feel and express greater self-confidence

IM-Home for Adults

Whether they suffer from Alzheimer’s, are recovering from a stroke, or have another condition that impacts mental and physical abilities, adults often notice improvements in their daily functioning abilities. With IM-Home, they are better able to do the following:

  • Perform self-care activities, like dressing and eating independently
  • Complete daily tasks like grocery shopping or driving to work on their own
  • Filter out distractions and concentrate better on projects at home and work
  • Process math calculations, like tipping at a restaurant, with greater ease
  • Exhibit better balance, endurance, and coordination for walking, exercising, and playing sports

Thousands of children and adults have benefited from the IM-Home program. It’s convenient, affordable, and proven to get results. Learn how IM-Home can help you or a loved one. Find out how to order yours today

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