The Problem

The Problem

Consider the following:

  • A 2011 study conducted by the NCoE estimated 19,000 incidents of mTBI in OIF/OEF soldiers in 2010.
  • Given the cyclic nature of our wars, DOD has seen an average of 20,000 TBI incidents per year over past 10 years; a total of approximately 200,000 “concussive events” since 2001.
  • Even if 85% of mTBIs show no lingering effects after 90 days, that still leaves a population of 25,000 soldiers and veterans that are often still struggling with the after-effects of mTBI, which include memory, attention, processing speed and impulse control challenges.

Although more than $2.7B has been spent since 2006 by DOD and the VA on both understanding and treating what has been labeled the “signature wound of the war”, we still hear story after story of both veterans and soldiers struggling to receive attention – and actual therapy – from within the system to alleviate the symptoms of mTBI.

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