Time Travels with the Time Doc—Trip 1: Quieting the Busy Mind
I have been blogging about brain-clock research at my home base (Brain Clock Blog) for many years and more recently have been blogging at the IM-Home website and blog. A problem with sharing information via blogging is that we bloggers make desired connections via hyperlinks. We insert them so the reader will read prior posts for related or background information. Often readers don’t want to take the time to bounce back and forth between linked stories.
To address this problem, I am trying something new. I have taken a single topic or concept that may be scattered across my various blog posts (as well as other sources) and am putting the essence of the material into mini-PDF e-briefs. I add additional commentary to the original sources to emphasize key points.
I am calling this series “Time Travels with the Time Doc2” The first trip is now available and is called “Time Travels with the Time Doc—Trip 1: Quieting the busy mind.” The brief e-publication is available for viewing and downloading at the Research and Reports section (scroll to bottom of the page) of the MindHubTM.
[2 The original “Time Doc” was Jim Cassily, the inventor of the core Interactive Metronome technology. I might better be considered “Time Doc-2.” Stay tuned for a post that describes the early days of the development of IM by Jim. This current series is dedicated to Jim Cassily].