Check out Dillen Hartley’s Presentation from the Austim, ADHD and SPD Summit!

IM Provider, Course instructor and researcher Dillen Hartley, OTR/L presented at the Autism, ADHD, and Sensory Processing Disorder Summit. He discussed Interactive Metronome Applications for Retraining the Brain in ASD, ADHD and SPD.
Dillen graduated from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, school of Occupational Therapy in 1995 and moved to the USA in 1996. He is co-owner of Advanced Therapy Solutions, Inc, an outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy practice serving adult and pediatric clients in four locations.
Dillen has 16 years of clinical experience and is trained in multiple treatment approaches with both adults and pediatrics. His expertise in the areas of autism, development disorders, sensory processing disorders, ADHD, ADD and learning disabilities have given him the confidence and knowledge to diagnose and treat  infants, children, and adults. Dillen is trained and experienced in sensory integration, neuromuscular re-education, brain gym, vision therapy, environmental adaptation, Tai-Chi, yoga and technology based treatment approaches, like Interactive Metronome (IM). He currently serves on the Clinical Advisory Board for Interactive Metronome and has conducted more than 50 certification courses to introduce IM to other clinicians around the country. Dillen is also a certified trainer in the Integrated Listening System and is frequently asked to present his views and treatment approaches in Occupational Therapy treatment of children internationally.
In this interview and presentation, you will learn”¦
- What the Interactive Metronome is and how it can help your child.
- How sequencing and timing play a role in neurodevelopmental disorders.
- How timing contributes to the early development of the brain and influences how your child processes sound, their environment and language.
- Why neural timing and the brain’s ability to time and sequence information affects language, cognitive processing and performance.
- How the Interactive Metronome can be used to retrain the brain and leverage neuroplasticity by activating 4 key areas of the brain.
- What kind of results can you get from using a tool like the Interactive Metronome and how long does it take to see results?