By Dr. Kevin McGrew - November 28, 2012

“I think…therefore IM” PowerPoint slides available for viewing

As noted in the latest IM-HOME post, the annual IM conference was viewed as a huge success.  I was fortunate to be the invited keynote speaker.  The title of my address was “I think…therefore IM.”  As noted in the most recent IM-HOME post, the IM staff is busy editing the video of all presentations, including my address.  I am anxious for the final edited videos to be announced.

For those who just can’t wait, I have taken the liberty of uploading copies of the key slides from my address to my SlideShare account.  You can view the slides on-line or download them for off-line viewing.  The disadvantage of viewing these static slides is you will not hear what I said during each slide—which for some slides was considerable.  Also, the live presentation had some nifty moving images that demonstrated certain key concepts (e.g., a moving red ball to demonstrate focus/controlled attention and how it can be captured or disrupted).  In a prior IM-HOME post I included a video that included some of these effects with a brief voice narration.  You can view this video at my prior IM-HOME keynote preview post.

The most important part of the presentation was a three-tiered explanation of the theoretical and research-based hypotheses regarding the underlying brain and cognitive constructs involved in the cognitive component of IM training—and, its ability to produce positive outcomes across a variety of human cognitive performance domains.  That is, “what is happening under the IM hood?”

You can access the static PPT slides either by visiting the SlideShare show directly (click here).  Or, you can visit The MindHub® portal where the slide show is listed under the neurotechnology section of Research and Reports.  If you have not checked out the MindHub, I would suggest you give it a glance as it is a portal to a wide array of information regarding human cognitive abilities, assessment, school learning, applied neurotechnologies (i.e., IM), etc.

Be sure to sign up for the MindHub newsletter.  The next edition is planned for e-delivery in the next 1-2 weeks.  The availability of the IM conference videos will be announced in the MindHub newsletter.  They will also be announced at the Brain Clock blog, a resource you should monitor for contemporary information regarding the human brain clock and important neurotechnologies and neuroscience research.



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