By Interactive Metronome - October 19, 2017

IM Games Create a Platform for Engagement and Success with Sensory Integration

Check it out! IM is featured in the book “When Kids Fly! Solutions for Children with Sensory Integration Challenges” by Sally Fryer Dietz, PT, CST-D. IM Provider, clinic owner and author Sally Fryer Dietz is a physical therapist, developmental specialist, sensory integration expert, child advocate and mother. As a leading authority in therapeutic pediatrics, she has helped thousands of children (and their parents) live healthier, happier lives. She has taught internationally and has received worldwide media attention for the innovative therapy methods she writes When Kids Fly!

Sally shares in her book; “I’ve been a huge proponent of IM [Interactive Metronome] for many years and have a great deal of first-hand experience with what it can accomplish for children and adults experiencing a wide array of issues and challenges. Recent IM technology uses a game-like auditory-visual computer platform that is fun for kids and is able to provide constant feedback, to the millisecond, while performing customized programs designed to meet the individualized needs of each child.” (p.85)

Success Story:

Ryan was a fifteen year old boy who had been struggling to keep up with increasing homework demands in his sophomore year of high school. He liked sports, but his grades were sliding downwards. He was fearful of being placed on academic probation!

As a result, he became increasingly anxious,  frustrated and depressed. His parent, who were appropriately concerned, had heard of the Interactive Metronome (IM) training program from a friend and decided to give it a try. At first, Ryan was resistant, worried that admitting he was in trouble somehow meant he wasn’t “good enough”.  Fortunately, he decided to give IM a try after hearing about professional athletes who had used it to improve their sports performance.

After a couple of sessions with an enthusiastic IM Provider, Ryan was hooked. He began to look forward to the sessions, proving to himself each time that he could do it, as he improved his scores with each increasing challenge. As a result, his grades and sports performance began to steadily improve. After just fifteen sessions, he was on track. The anxiety and frustration he’d previously experienced had decreased as he demonstrated increased confidence and self-efficacy.  Ryan continues to receive periodic IM tune-ups over the holidays in order to remain at his peak.  His parents invested in an IM Home unit, the at-home version of Interactive Metronome designed to provide a more convenient, long-term option for additional practice into the future.

“While I am typically not a huge fan of games for children, this is one instance where I do think this platform is worthwhile. The difference is that the child who is working with IM is actively participating with their whole body while interacting with the therapist and building on success.” (p.85)

Thank you to Sally Fryer Dietz for sharing you’re the impact that IM has made in your practice!

Did you know that IM has 5 new games that you can upgrade to?








SAMMICH MIRROR- One of your favorite games now includes an option to select stimuli that track in both directions, left-to-right and right-to-left across the screen!

Upgrade today for $500 and receive 50 FREE Hours a $500 value! (limited time offer)



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