By Wendy Harron - October 1, 2014

Family Fun

Family Fun


In today’s crazy busy world, it’s tough for families to find time to have fun together. But if you carve a little time out of your schedule you will see that phsycially doing things together actually brings you closer as a family.

– A really simple idea is to have family mealtime. It is a great time to just review the day and hear what is happening in your children’s lives.

– How about a nature walk together? During this time of year you can count the different colors of leaves or look for acorns. You don’t need to live near a park, a simple walk around the block will do just fine, and the exercise is a great bonus that could keep children from being as anxious.

– How about loading the bikes onto the bike rack and going for a ride? There are lots of parks with bike trails these days, which is a safe way to get out and ride. Just don’t forget those helmets!

– Family game night can be awesome fun. It is a time to play together, laugh and enjoy each other’s company. Pull out some of those old games from your childhood and introduce them to your kids. You’ll see that fun never goes out of style.

– Jumping off of that idea…a very simple thing to do is to have a family movie night together. Pick a movie appropriate for everyone, pop some popcorn, get all snuggly in blankets and pillows and enjoy that closeness together.

– Want something more adventurous? How about building an obstacle course? You can use things like pillows to jump over, couch cushions to bounce across and chairs to crawl under. Just be aware of other furniture in the room and don’t build near dangerous and unsteady items that could possibly cause injury if someone fell. Also, don’t do it near your valuables! Use good judgement when building so no one gets hurt and nothing is damaged.

So, get the family together and create some lasting memories. Spending time together can be easy and fun, just find the time to make it happen!

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