Interactive Metronome Testimonials
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Emma now makes and maintains eye contact, smiles, and shows emotion. Her startle reflex is greatly reduced, and she is totally non-defensive when her feet or hands are touched. After spending two days at home with Emma, Emma’s father said “For the first time ever, she knows who I am. She recognizes me when she sees me.” Everyone in Emma’s life can testify to the global improvements she made as a result of IM.
My little 10-year-old friend was struggling. No one wanted to play with him on the play ground, he really didn’t have any friends and he was just getting by in school. He struggled in Boy Scouts with the different crafts and knot tying. After several months of traditional OT, his therapist decided that it was time for some IM to help with his foundational skills for coordination and timing.
TJ’s parents noted that TJ continued to try new motor activities with less resistance and frustration and now even rollerbladed. According to his parents, “The physical changes have stuck. He is more interactive and self-confident, too.” TJ also improved his organizational skills and ability to interact appropriately, along with better physical balance and stability.
Emily is now able to maintain and match the rhythm of the horse during her riding lessons. She can solve mental math calculations that she was not able to do before. Emily spends more time thinking and working through things mentally. She now chooses to write during play, makes her own bed, and wants to plan her day in the morning. These improvements over the course of the year can be attributed to the integration of IM with other best practices.
Layla has begun using sign language in 2-3 word combinations to increase her ability in being understood and expressing herself. She is using her eyes to track objects in her immediate environment, and she has begun to develop fine motor manipulative skills to further aid her in proper motor skills development. Layla’s mother reports that her utterances have increased drastically and now she makes sounds such as “ba,” “da,” “ma,” and “pa,” which are all clear indications of speech babble prior to beginning purposeful speaking. It’s music to her mother’s ears!
Ryan is an 8 year old boy with an energetic, all-encompassing, endearing personality paired with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Ryan had been going to conventional Occupational Therapy sessions for several years. As he progressed with the [IM] program, it became clear – Ryan was learning to reference the auditory beat and identify when he was too fast or too slow in his response speed, he was learning from the ‘inside-out’ what it meant when someone told him to ‘slow down’. This program enabled Ryan to access Interactive Metronome ® interventions at home for short bursts before test taking, for longer periods when transitioning to newer challenges required for maturation (consider the stressors involved in Middle School!) and even to wind down and ‘reboot his brain’.
Michael is following 1-step commands that are given to him. He is pointing at and identifying simple shapes. He is focusing on a fine motor activity for up to 15 minutes in duration without exiting the activity.Michael’s family is thrilled with the progress he has made with IM. He loves to go to music class
and has started singing Baa Baa Black Sheep, Row, Row Your Boat and Itsy Bitsy Spider. When they go to lunch, he grabs his tray and moves it along the lunch line. He’s also opened up to his classmates, and is thoroughly enjoying their company!
Erin had a diagnosis of PDD/Autism. She was verbal, but unable to have a purposeful conversation. After just a few sessions of IM Erin began to chatter less, and listen more…Erin ended up having her best school year ever!
Following IM treatment, reports showed Anna’s increased attention and improved concentration. Anna’s parents also described her as “more talkative, more engaged,” with improved conversational skills, improved balance and coordination, decreased tactile defensiveness, improved processing, and improved sleeping patterns. Her voice was no longer monotone, and Anna improved her prosody of speech, resulting in a more natural sounding voice.
Chris has made tremendous progress in his sensory processing skills as measured on the Short Sensory Profile, which has translated into improved functional visual motor skills. Both Chris’s family and all his service providers have been pleasantly surprised by the changes wrought by the Interactive Metronome ®.
Maddy is a 10-year-old girl who has been diagnosed with Autism. Her mother expressed concerns about Maddy’s overall speech and language skills; she did not say “Mama” or “Dada” until approximately three years old. Maddy’s family and therapists decided upon a course of Interactive Metronome ® (IM). During Maddy’s IM treatment, several strategies were tried in order to reflect natural environment conditions. After her IM treatment, Maddy showed gains in phonological skills, language processing, auditory comprehension, and auditory reasoning based on pre and post data. But what test scores can’t show is that Maddy’s parents also report that she has made significant improvement on daily function and communication!
Marcus is a 12-year-old boy with high functioning autism who returned to occupational therapy after a break of several years. The IM program was paramount on the development of Marcus’s neurological and motor skills and produced incredible gains that improved his physical, mental, and social development.
Ann reported that she had begun freshman lacrosse camp at her high school with surprising adeptness in her ability to play the game. She also noted a dramatic improvement in her ability to catch the ball after it bounced off the wall with 100% accuracy, an improvement over her previous performance accuracy of 40-45%. By the last session, Ann also made the Varsity cheerleading squad and the competitive cheerleading squad at her high school. This was quite a feat for an incoming freshmen student. Her self-esteem was obviously boosted by her newfound performance ability.
Kaitlin improved her articulation and decreased mumbling during challenging activities. She also increased her confidence in novel motor play, such as using “Heelies” her own personal best!). Kaitlyn decreased sensory defensiveness to noxious stimuli. Meanwhile at school, Kaitlyn’s teachers report that improve postural control during class and increased participation in homework activities. She even earned “Star of the Week” for good behavior. During horseback riding lessons, Kaitlyn successfully and competently “posts”. Her family reports that a whole new Kaitlyn is emerging, thanks to the IM.
Molly, a 10-year-old 5th grader, had a recent diagnosis that included ADHD, and she was said to be showing signs of High Functioning Autism. Molly’s mother noticed that her daughter would regularly forget things at home and school, and was unable to keep her belongings organized. When Molly’s mother saw the Interactive Metronome (IM) website, she read the content with a certain level of suspicion and doubt, but as a parent who wanted to do whatever she could to help Molly and lessen her frustrations, she decided to give IM a try. When Molly was asked what had changed for her since taking the IM training, she replied, “Everything is much easier for me now. It’s much easier to do my homework than it was before.”
His mother saw changes not only in his self-esteem but by the time Smith finished IM he was reading more fluently, his grades had improved and he was enjoying life in general. Both Smith and his mother could not express in words how thankful they were for the IM program. As for his goal to play a sport, he’s very excited to be on the basketball team this semester!
Eileen’s handwriting and schoolwork improved greatly as she learned to focus and process information delivered orally. Eileen now loves arts and crafts activities and did well selling Girl Scout cookies this year. She was ready to move on to more community-based physical activities and expressed an interest in swimming and dance class. Eileen is a much happier little girl who can now process, attend to, and interact with her environment.
Recently Valeri, for the first time, went to the refrigerator to pour herself a glass of juice without any assistance. She started to talk, not just a little, but all the time. At the first teacher conference, the teacher remarked that Valeri was participating and raising her hand to give answers. Her grades dramatically improved from her usual C-level work, up to A and B+ levels. Her personality kept flourishing and Valeri was full of never-before-revealed information. Her confidence is now very evident and she has even worn her first pair of blue jeans like all the rest of the kids, managing them independently.
Ricky is a 10-year-old boy with a diagnosis of ADHD, Asperger’s syndrome, anxiety and fine motor delay. Starting as early as its 3rd session Ricky already was making significant progress. He started sleeping through the night; his handwriting improved significantly, his attention span increased immensely. His
biggest gain was that his homework was getting done faster and correctly. He became a more confident boy. “IM is so cool and it really really helped me!”
Ikuya was a fun loving kid, but he just couldn’t stay on task. Additionally, he was acting childish for his age, withdrawing at school, generally uncoordinated and he was having difficulty understanding instructions. When Ikuya’s mother began researching ADHD treatments, she came upon IM training and it changed their life forever. In just a few weeks Ikuya’s handwriting improved, he began answering questions appropriately and he wasn’t forgetting assignments. There was also a marked improvement at school; his mother reported that he came home a few weeks later with his first 100% on a quiz. On top of that, he is back to playing and enjoying activities with his classmates!