

“The IM has provided a tool for therapists across our company to engage patients in their therapy. With the IM we can push for greater gains in cognition, coordination and balance than we could before. It is a proven modality used by therapists to get better outcomes.”

Cheryl Miller, OTR/L,
National Director of Clinical Services, HealthSouth, Sunrise, FL

“In today’s tough economic times and with cuts in insurance coverage for therapy we are not always provided with enough time to work with our clients and give them the weeks/months of treatment they often need. Therefore as therapists we need to look for tools that will help our clients achieve their best outcomes in the shortest period of time. I have been using Interactive Metronome for almost ten years and have witnessed statistically significant progress in just a few short weeks of therapy. I believe Interactive Metronome should be the first step in a therapeutic approach to improve the emotional, cognitive, motor, academic and sensory deficits of your clients. It is the only program of it’s kind that delivers results so quickly and is so easy in it’s application. It is suitable for adults and children regardless of their disabilities. It should be a part of every therapist’s practice!”

Lorraine Sgarlato, AuD, CCA
Salute! Hearing Health and Harmony, Yardley, PA

“Introducing Interactive Metronome to our facility has not only changed our approach to facilitating treatment techniques, but has also allowed us to target a population who felt there was no hope in improving their quality of life. My patients who have completed the IM program have found the ability to return to meaningful activities by improving their balance, coordination, and overall confidence in their daily lives. Not only has this program brought us great results from a treatment perspective, but it has allowed our facility to grow and be known throughout the community.”

Kelly Coleman, OTR/L
The Glenview at Pelican Bay, Naples, FL

“Using Interactive Metronome in a non-traditional manner with infants through preschool aged children with moderate to severe developmental delays has been so inspiring!  It has been the catalyst that many of our children needed in order to readily initiate play and social interaction, improve coordination, self-regulate and improve communication.  Interactive metronome has provided us with a creative avenue to facilitate progress in many children with severe physical and cognitive challenges who previously had very limited functional gains.”

Amy Kampschroeder, OTR/L
Easter Seals UCP, Wilmington, NC

“I love the IM as a therapeutic tool in Pediatric Physical Therapy Practice. I have had children who can barely walk and catch a ball separately, but when using the Gait Mate with IM are able to bounce and catch a ball while they are walking. I have used IM to slow down kids who move too fast and speed up kids whose legs don’t keep pace with their body. It’s flexibility in treatment is limited only by the Therapists’ creativity!”

Todd J. Sullivan, PT, PCS
Blake Medical Center, Bradenton, FL

“IM has made a wonderful addition to our clinic as it is the perfect enhancement to traditional therapies. It has helped our clients to learn to focus and attend as well as increasing coordination which increased their goal attainment. It is brain based, and works on a millisecond level to help make connections and changes! I am finding more and more clients benefit from IM!”

Wendy Harron, OTR/L

A.I. DuPont Hospital, Wilmington, DE 

“When using the IM with my clients, I convey to them I am training their brain to achieve their personal gains. IM allows me to be creative in customizing my client’s treatment protocol to assist them in reaching their functional ADL goals which, in turn, allows them to be more independent in the home as well as in the community.”

Lisa Poe, OTR/L

A Focused Brain, Madison, MS

laura2“I have used the Interactive Metronome system since 2006.  As an occupational therapist working in the school system and in private practice, I have found the Interactive Metronome to be a profoundly effective intervention. Results that I have seen include generalized improvements with body awareness, spatial awareness, self-monitoring, motor planning and attention as well as numerous functional task improvements.  These results have emerged for my students, my clients, my family and myself.  The system is so beautifully and flexibly designed that I have been able to adapt its use as a powerful intervention booster with hundreds of students and clients with a wide range of ages and abilities.  It is a cornerstone of my practice as an OT.”

Laura Carnes Kane, MS, OTR/L


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