Interactive Metronome Testimonials
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Catrina is a 10-year-old girl with a diagnosis of ADHD, combined type, and she demonstrated multiple characteristics of Central Auditory Processing Disorder. Catrina’s mother was concerned with how difficult it was for Catrina to communicate, due to the fact that she omitted salient words during conversation. Catrina’s family began to lose faith in the school system. Catrina’s family contacted a clinic regarding information on Interactive Metronome ® (IM). IM assisted in improving Catrina’s overall attention in order to complete the V and V program. Catrina is now in the later phases of the V and V program, and her mother continues to see growth.
Aiden’s therapist noted marked improvement in Aiden’s ability to understand directions. Aiden is less impulsive, more patient with himself, and more tolerant of the many challenges of the program. He no longer tries to negotiate rewards for good behavior. Aiden has better focus, improved visual and auditory processing speed. His rhythm, coordination, and motor skills have also improved, and there is less “random” talk. Aiden demonstrated more of self-awareness of his accomplishments and bolstered self-esteem.
Mom came to me one afternoon, and in telling her story her eye’s teared up. She had phoned home from work one afternoon, and her daughter Joanne answered the phone! This was the first time that this had EVER happened! Mom was thrilled as she was able to ask her daughter questions and have them answered. She also noticed that her daughter was much more interested in going to school and church functions. She actually asked to invite a classmate over for a play date.
AJ’s teacher reported “great improvement in handwriting.” For the first time, AJ is able to ride a pogo stick and can do a front flip on his trampoline. He is joining more sports at school and participated in a community basketball league. AJ is also demonstrating improved coordination. He can dribble a ball and has increased attentiveness during games.
Shay is an 11 year old girl with ADHD and LD. Shay’s troubles in school have greatly impacted her self confidence; she has become embarrassed around other children and withdrew from most activities. The teasing turned to bullying and Shay had begun to miss assignments and time at school. After just 15 sessions with IM, Shay’s fine motor control and coordination had improved, which greatly improved her writing and ability to finish assignments. For the first time Shay was passing her classes in school and reporting less frustration and time constraints. She has stopped missing school and her self esteem has skyrocketed.
Today, Amanda stands without her walker or crutches for support. She no longer falls, even when distractions are present. She can swim easily, and her handwriting has dramatically improved. Amanda performs ADLs such as self-feeding, showering, getting into a vehicle, and buckling herself in a car independently. Her mother noted that Amanda was helping put groceries away and performing light clean-up tasks around the house. Interactive Metronome ® has helped Amanda become a more functionally independent little girl.
Pam’s family reported a decline in temper tantrums as she progressed through IM treatment, with no occurrences in the last week of the treatment. She became more pleasant in her social interactions, both in the clinic and with peers at the community pool. Pam also asked to receive tutoring in math and wished to continue IM through the fall season.
Thea is a young girl that just wants to dance. She has the energy, there is no doubt about it, but she has dyspraxia and she suffered a traumatic brain injury when she was younger. Additionally, she is diagnosed with ADHD and is medicated for hyperactivity and impulsivity. After just a few weeks with IM, Thea is paying closer attention and learning her dance routines with much less practice. Her coordination is better and she is staying on task. Her handwriting has also improved and she is finishing homework assignments faster, which has freed up the extra time. After all, she wants the extra practice now that she made the advanced dance squad!
Kyle is a 10-year-old boy who was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Hypotonia at 3 years of age. He was later diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder at 8 years of age. After 3 months of IM treatment 3 times per week, Kyle made significant improvements. When his parents gave him the Sensory Profile test again, Kyle had made improvements in multisensory and oral sensory processing, emotional/social responses, and behavioral outcomes of sensory processing. These gains helped Kyle function better in social interactions, academic tasks, self-care tasks, and play in his daily life.
Elyssa is reading more fluently and enjoys it more. Her teacher reported that she responds to questions in a timelier manner and is now able to complete 2 or 3 part commands. She is also more confident and now participates in classroom discussions. Elyssa was even able to test out of 2 of her Special Education classes! Elyssa’s mom attributes her successes to IM and couldn’t be happier.
IM was instrumental in helping Mizuki communicate more normally and hold eye contact. After his second session, his fine motor skills showed improvement. Mizuki’s handwriting is becoming legible and he is now doing math at grade level. In addition, His balance has improved, and he runs more smoothly than before. He can even ride his bicycle. Mizuki’s development has brought him from being classified as autistic to “a slow developer” or having a “learning disability.” Today, Mizuki is a much more relaxed boy and a totally different person than he used to be.
Jimmy loves basketball and is the Varsity basketball team manager, where he is responsible for keeping track of the stats during the game. Earlier in the season he filmed the games. He is taking piano classes and involved in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Every summer he swims competitively on a team. He will be graduating from high school with a 3.0 GPA. Jimmy plans on attending college to become a sports broadcaster.
Samantha’s scores are in the 30 millisecond range. Her parents say thatIM-Home has been one of the main reasons why Samantha is doing the best she has ever done in school all year. Her motor coordination has significantly improved, and her ability to attend has made a difference across all aspects of her life.
When she was just 15, Meg was involved in a devastating car accident where she sustained a traumatic brain injury. With shortened school days and impaired performance defining her new reality, Meg felt desperate to find a way to reclaim the life she once knew and to help others in her situation, leading her to begin a career as a physical therapy assistant at the very same clinic she completed her rehabilitation. After just a week of treatment her movements developed fluidity and by the second week her ability to concentrate on the tone dramatically improved. Meg’s sense of balance and physical coordination returned to her by her sixth session. At 21 years old, Meg has done more than simply achieve her goal of regaining the life she thought she lost in her car accident- she’s been able to create a fuller, more satisfying life, one in which she helps others achieve the freedom of thought and movement she feared she lost forever.
Today, Finn has begun to interact more with the other children at school. His willingness to participate in school activities has also improved. Crying episodes are now rare. Finn now engages in play activities with his siblings. Finn’s family is extremely happy with the progress he has made with Interactive Metronome ®. His father feels that it is because of IM that Finn has grown so much in the last few months. His father’s face lights up every time he reports a new addition to Finn’s vocabulary.
William no longer presents with what is clinically defined as stuttering. While no one is 100% fluent, stuttering is defined as three SLDs per 100 words. Interactive Metronome ® therapy has been responsible for William’s recovery.
Jorden is a 13 year-old boy with Cerebral Palsy, agenesis of the Corpus Callosum, seizures, developmental delays and cortical blindness. When Jorden was born, doctors told his parents that he wouldn’t live very long and they should just enjoy the time they had with him. That wasn’t the answer they wanted…and Jorden was too strong to let that happen either. He has been receiving therapeutic services for a few years, but IM training really pushed him over the top. He is now dressing himself, bathing, going to the barber and singing along at church. As it turns out, Jorden loves classical music and puzzles!
Micah is a young boy who attends a school for gifted students. He has auditory processing and SI concerns. Additionally, while he hasn’t been diagnosed with ADHD, it does run in his family and he has been having trouble maintaining focus in school. Micah’s mother immediately reported fantastic results; Micah regained focus, his penmanship improved and he began completing his classroom task. At home, Micah’s mother reported the same impressive results. Micah was experiencing less intense emotional meltdowns, and less often.
Interactive Metronome (IM) therapy, a game-like treatment, has dramatically improved 11-year-old Adam Solomon’s ADHD symptoms, taking him from special needs to excelling academically and in extracurricular activities like karate and music. This innovative therapy focuses on enhancing brain timing, which is crucial for attention and learning. Despite its effectiveness for Adam, transforming his grades and self-esteem, IM therapy remains underutilized due to costs and awareness. The case of Adam illustrates the therapy’s potential as an effective non-pharmaceutical option for ADHD, offering a promising alternative for cognitive enhancement.Interactive Metronome (IM) therapy, a game-like treatment, has dramatically improved 11-year-old Adam Solomon’s ADHD symptoms, taking him from special needs to excelling academically and in extracurricular activities like karate and music. This innovative therapy focuses on enhancing brain timing, which is crucial for attention and learning. Despite its effectiveness for Adam, transforming his grades and self-esteem, IM therapy remains underutilized due to costs and awareness. The case of Adam illustrates the therapy’s potential as an effective non-pharmaceutical option for ADHD, offering a promising alternative for cognitive enhancement.
Aaron struggled with social interaction and learning due to undiagnosed allergies and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Despite numerous attempts with diet changes and vitamins that bore no fruit, and resorting to ADHD medication that didn’t alleviate his school struggles, Aaron’s breakthrough came with the Interactive Metronome program. It remarkably improved his brain function and learning ability, with noticeable changes from the very first day. His reading levels surged from 28% to 73% in just two months. This progress shifted his parents’ outlook from despair, thinking he would never lead an independent life or attend college, to hope and planning for his future education. Similarly, Lori Schmidt, who connected with the Davis family’s ordeal through her own son’s challenges, found solace and purpose in helping others with the IM program. Aaron’s newfound happiness, social engagement, and leadership at school epitomize the program’s success, offering his family a once-unthinkable bright future.