Making Moves at Any Age with IM

Tom, a retired veterinarian diagnosed with Parkinson’s, was struggling with consistent movement.  After IM training, not only was be able to improve his weight shifting but he also able to ease his reliance on his walker. 

Dyspraxia: Time to work smarter, not just harder

Dyspraxia affects an individual's ability to plan and coordinate motor tasks. It is a developmental disorder, most commonly affecting young males. The condition will manifests itself in every aspect of life, although the severity and age of onset can vary drastically. Continue reading to learn more about the warning signs and symptoms of dyspraxia.

Physical Therapists

Physical Therapists When the brain’s functional networks are not synchronized, individuals may exhibit impaired motor planning/sequencing, lack of coordination, poor balance and gait disturbances that rob them of functional independence[...]

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