Using IM in Skilled Nursing Facilities

Demand for nursing home and other health-care services for the elderly will increase significantly as the baby-boomers age. At current usage rates, there will be approximately 3 million residents in nursing homes by the year 2030. This is roughly double the current number of nursing home residents.

Interactive Metronome (IM) is rapidly becoming a standard of care & valuable treatment tool in the skilled nursing environment, capitalizing upon the critical role mental timing plays in the rehabilitation of communication/language, ability to perform ADLs, functional mobility, and safety awareness/judgment. This course is designed to teach the clinician to accurately identify candidates for IM and to develop appropriate treatment plans that take into consideration the medical conditions and functional needs of skilled nursing residents.

  • CEUs

    This course is not offered for contact hours/CEUs.

  • Course Type

    On Demand Webinar

  • Price

    FREE (a $15 value!)

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