Look who’s talking now: Infant stroke can’t stop Marcus!

It is Stroke Awareness Month, and while strokes affects millions of people year round, it's time to shine the light on these life-changing events. Strokes can strike anyone, anytime; it is not a condition that is limited to older individuals, or those in poor health. When Marcus suffered a stroke during infancy, the damage caused a variety of developmental delays. However, today, Marcus has started to enjoy school, playing with his friends and his vocabulary has taken off!

IM Training Kickstarts Stroke Therapy

We hear some great stories from Wendy Harron, an amazing OT and IM Provider. She has worked with patients from all backgrounds and her experience with kids has helped her really take training to the next level. Today, Wendy shares a wonderful story of a girl who suffered from a stroke before birth. See how IM training and Wendy's dedication helped Holly become part of the conversation.

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