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Restoring Harmony: Harnessing Balance-Based Torso Weighting and Rhythmic Entrainment for Post-Concussion/TBI Patients
White Paper Accepted By American Congress Of Rehabilitation Medicine

Adult, Motor Skills, Sensory Processing
This study explores the use of the Interactive Metronome (IM) and the Balance Based Torso Weighting Vest (BBTW) in treating a 49-year-old female patient who had experienced a right frontal cranial traumatic brain injury (TBI) four years prior.
The patient exhibited symptoms including discoordination, impaired balance, vestibular dysfunction, inability to perform dual tasks, and ataxia. Treatment goals revolved around managing sensory overload, reducing fall risk, and improving conversational abilities.
IM and BBTW were employed as part of the treatment, with noticeable improvements observed in the patient’s sustained and divided attention, postural responses, motor control, timing, and tolerance of visual and auditory stimulation.
By taking advantage of auditory rhythms’ ability to improve movement stability, the combined use of IM and BBTW provided a low-cost and low-risk intervention for the patient’s residual impairments beyond the expected TBI recovery period. This approach may offer promising strategies for similar cases in the future.
Abridged Summary & Results of Study
Title: Balance Based Torso Weighting and Rhythmic Entrainment in a Patient Post Concussion/TBI
Authors: Tammie Keller Johnson, Western University
A 49 year old female sustained a right frontal cranial TBI four years prior to this study. She demonstrated discoordination, impaired balance, vestibular dysfunction, inability to perform dual tasks, and truncal/extremity ataxia. Her goals for treatment included developing strategies for sensory overload, decreasing fall risk, and improving her ability to converse with others. The Balance Based Torso Weighting Vest (BBTW) was used in conjunction with Interactive Metronome (IM), resulting in improved sustained/divided attention, postural responses, timing, motor control and improved increased tolerance of visual and auditory stimulation.
-  n = 1 49 yr old female s/p right frontal cranial TBI four years prior
- Interactive Metronome task average scores (ms)
- Sensory Organization Testing
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