Helping Hard Hitters!

Do you have patients that are hard hitters? We are here to help! We are here to provide you with a few helpful hints and share how other clinicians like[...]

May Provider of the Month- Debbie Flannery

Meet our provider of the month Debbie Flannery owner of LifeFit BrainFit. Debbie now holds a Masters Degree in Health and Fitness, who is also a certified Tai Chi instructor. She has a[...]

November’s Provider of the Month: Dr. Michael Bagnell

It's November and the holidays are upon us. The kids are out of school. It's time for vacation, family gatherings and a new Provider of the Month! This November, we chose a wonderful Chiropractor from Florida, Dr. Michael Bagnell. Dr. Bagnell has been working with pediatric and adult/geriatric clients and those suffering from TBI (traumatic brain injury), dementia, and mood disorders, and we are happy to have him in our network. Check out his story here.

Meet February’s Provider of the Month: Derek Layton

This February, we shine the spotlight on Derek Layton, a wonderful Speech-Language Pathologist who works out of HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Jonesboro, AR. Derek spends his time treating a variety of clients alongside Occupational and Physical Therapists, working to heal the whole mind and body. Check out Derek's story here...

Should I be at 54 bpm?

In the past, we have covered why 54 bpm is the starting IM tempo, and why 54 bpm is so special. However, there are times when going slower or faster is not only acceptable, but can advance training. Find out more in this article from Amy Vega, our Clinical Education Director and a fabulous SLP.

Am I a Candidate for IM Training?

Have you ever wondered if you or a family member was a candidate for IM training? Amy Vega, our Clinical Education Director and a fabulous SLP, has created a checklist to help clients, parents and professionals determine if they are dealing with any conditions that may make them a good candidate for IM training.

Is Visual or Auditory IM Training More Appropriate?

We often get questions on how to use IM with specific populations, how to work with the equipment and anything else that is causing our Providers headaches. Amy Vega, a fabulous SLP and our Clinical Education Director, is here to answer those questions from time to time. Today, she tackles an important question for parents and our OT and PT professionals: is it by seeing the information or hearing it that your client pays attention to it and comprehends it best in daily life?

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