Samantha’s Outstanding Progress: School Success, Motor Coordination, and Attention with IM-Home

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Samantha’s Outstanding Progress: School Success, Motor Coordination, and Attention with IM-Home
Susan has a 7-year-old daughter named Samantha who has developmental issues ranging from language and learning problems to fine and gross motor challenges. Vigilance and her ability to attend have also been a problem. Susan heard about the positive effects of IM and contacted an IM Provider for an assessment. After performing the Long Form Test it was determined that Susan’s daughter would be a good candidate for IM Therapy.
The Problem
Susan was not able to dedicate the time required to bringing her child 2-3 times per week to the clinic for IM treatment. Her IM Provider then suggested the IM-Home as a possible solution. Though her provider had not used IMHome she was willing to try it and so was Susan.
Samantha In The Beginning
Samantha’s initial IM scores were in the low 200 millisecond range when tested on the Long Form Test. The quality of movement as well as her ability to do the more complex tasks were a struggle. Her IM-Provider sent a written training plan and IM-Home equipment home with Susan. Susan tells us the installation and use of the IM-Home was quite easy. The harder part was getting her daughter to engage in the demanding activity
A Creative Solution
During the first two weeks of training Susan provided a penny for each Super-Right-On (SRO) Samantha achieved. Samantha was very motivated by that. In a very short time Samantha was doing so well that keeping up with the pennies became too difficult. So then Mom switched to check marks on a paper. After each session Samantha would be asked to count up all the check marks and write the number of SRO’s achieved. By the third week, pennies and check marks were no longer needed to motivate. Now little Samantha was conceptualizing the actual IM scores and was motivated by the numbers provided on the screen.
How is Samantha Doing Today?
After 9 weeks Samantha’s scores are in the 30 millisecond range. Mom says, though it is hard to say exactly what is making the difference, “We do many things besides IMHome,” she believes the IM-Home has been one of the main reasons why her daughter is doing the best she has ever done in school all year. Her motor coordination has significantly improved and her ability to attend has made a difference across all aspects of her life.
Quick Facts
Samantha has been using IM-Home for 9 weeks. Initially the sessions were 20 minutes and have progressed up to 40 minutes, 2 times per week. Her scores went from 200ms to 30ms.
IM-Home Version 2.0
IM-Home was developed so that IM Providers could help their patients get the benefits of the Interactive Metronome even when they aren’t in the clinic. Providers assign and manage an individualized training plan for their patient through an online therapy management tool called the IM-Home eClinic. The training plan guides the patient to perform specific IM exercises. When the training session is complete the results are uploaded to the eClinic. Providers can view the results and make any modifications needed. Any changes are downloaded for the patient’s next session. Talk to your provider to see if your child is a candidate for IM-Home.