Using IM to Rehabilitate Cognitive-Communicative Abilities

Many patients present with developmental or acquired cognitive-communicative deficits that affect their daily productivity and their ability to relate to others effectively. A significant number of these patients are functioning at a higher level despite deficits that interfere with work and home life. They quickly plateau in response to traditional cognitive-communicative therapy approaches.
These patients are perfect candidates for integrating Interactive Metronome (IM) into rehabilitation in order to target executive functions, memory, thought organization, and various levels of attention/concentration by addressing critical mental timing, rhythm & neural synchronization (AKA temporal processing). Introducing more advanced cognitive-communicative exercises along with Interactive Metronome at the right time in the rehabilitation process can facilitate faster recover of function and return to the community.
This course is not offered for contact hours/CEUs.
Course Type
On Demand Webinar
FREE (a $15 value!)
Brain Injury/Stroke Courses
Brain injuries can occur anywhere, anytime and to anyone. Whether it is external trauma, disease or a stroke, lingering effects on the brain can rob someone of his or her quality of life. Restoring that quality of life for brain injury patients is the goal of these courses.