Interactive Metronome® keeps Susan off thin ice and chasing her dreams.

Precision, rhythm, and timing are paramount in the captivating world of figure skating. These qualities extend beyond physical attributes; they encompass mental agility and unwavering focus. Join us as we delve into the inspiring journey of Susan, a young figure skater, and witness how she harnessed the transformative power of Interactive Metronome to elevate her performance. Through Susan's story, we will explore her triumphs over challenges and the remarkable transformation of her weaknesses into strengths.

Testimonial: Going to Back to School with ADHD

9-year-old Anna has been diagnosed with ADHD and has difficulty focusing and is easily distracted. She showed signs of moodiness, was easily bored, and had emotional breakdowns. After completing 14 sessions and 20,000 repetitions of Interactive Metronome, Anna's family noticed she was taking better initiative with significant improvement in her temper tantrums. They also reported Anna was learning better ways to study, which ultimately led to her receiving A's and B's in school.

Sam’s ADHD Success Story!

Sam is an 8 year, 9 month old male with no significant medical history. Born at 38 weeks gestation, with a birth weight of 8 pounds, 9 ounces, he achieved[...]

Taking Charge of Your Life!

Samuel, an 18 year-old boy, was seen for a speech and language evaluation based on physician referral for speech-language deficits secondary to Autism and ADHD.  He is an only child[...]

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