Making Moves at Any Age with IM

Tom, a retired veterinarian diagnosed with Parkinson’s, was struggling with consistent movement.  After IM training, not only was be able to improve his weight shifting but he also able to ease his reliance on his walker. 

Featured in the News: Interactive Metronome Therapy Helps Amputees Learn to Walk Again

When Fred Davis lost both of his legs to infection --he thought his walking days were over.Then he was introduced to a therapy that combines movement and timing to help the brain redevelop motor skills. It’s called Interactive Metronome. For six months, Mederi Caretender therapist Tameka Walker has been helping Davis relearn to walk. "Left hand, right toe, left hand, right toe. Got it?” she instructs. To the chime of a cowbell, Davis steps one foot forward on a mat – and then pulls it back. Then, it’s the other foot, always sticking to the beat. If his rhythm is off, he hears an unpleasant buzz. Davis suffers from diabetes. In 2005 -- he injured his toe. The untreated injury led to gangrene and an eventual amputation. In February of this year, another injury led to the loss of his right leg.


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