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Why Timing Matters: Unraveling its Role in Child Development. An IM Study

Published in High/Scope Press


Pediatric, Academic Performance, Cognitive Skills

A study involving 585 children revealed significant correlations between their mental timing, as measured by Interactive Metronome (IM), and academic performance across various subjects including reading, math, language, science, social studies, and personal study skills, highlighting the foundational role of brain timing in academic success.

The study analyzed the correlation between metronome timing and factors like motor control/coordination, sustained attention and concentration, age, and kindergarten achievement among 585 children aged 4-11.

The results indicate that metronome timing is developmentally linked, with older children showing better metronome and musical timing than younger children.

The children performing at or above the 80th percentile on the California Achievement Test demonstrated significantly better metronome timing than those scoring at the 59th percentile or below.

Interestingly, metronome and musical timing had a stronger correlation with a child’s ability to focus than either household income or parents’ highest level of education, indicating the potential importance of these timing skills in child development.

Metronome timing was strongly associated with motor control/coordination, attention, age, kindergarten achievement, and performance on the California Achievement Test, indicating its impact on a child’s ability to focus and learn.

Abridged Summary & Results of Study

Timing in child development

AUTHORS: Kristyn Kuhlman & Lawrence Schweinhart


YEAR: 2002

Metronome timing was strongly correlated with motor control/coordination, the ability to sustain attention and concentration, age, and kindergarten achievement. Timing was discovered to be developmental with older children demonstrating better metronome and musical timing than younger children. Additionally, metronome and musical timing were significantly correlated with performance on the California Achievement Test (children at or above the 80th percentile had significantly better metronome timing than children at the 59th percentile or below). Metronome and musical timing were both more strongly correlated with a child’s ability to focus than household income or parents’ highest level of education.


  • n=585 4-11 year old children
  • objective measures:
    • Interactive Metronome: timing skills
    • High/Scope Beat Competence Analysis Test: musical timing
  • validity verified via:
    • parent questionnaires
    • teacher questionnaires
    • kindergarten-teacher child achievement reports
    • California Achievement Tests for grades 1 through 4

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