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Unlocking Potential: Hardy Brain Camp Spurs Academic and Behavioral Progress in Youth – A Pilot Study
White Paper
Pediatric, Academic Performance, Cognitive Skills
This study assessed the academic and behavioral performance of 54 students from grades 2-8, identified for participation in the Hardy Brain Camp program due to various difficulties significantly impacting their academic performance.
These challenges included learning, attention, organization, behavior, listening, following directions, and reading and math weaknesses.
The Hardy Brain Camp program, underpinned by the theory that learning improves with enhanced processing speed and perceptual-motor, sensory, and cognitive skills, consists of two main parts:
(1) Interactive Metronome (IM) millisecond timing training (MTT)
(2) ball bounce activity combined with IM.
Post-program, students displayed an average advancement of 9.1 months in reading skills, 3.9 months in math skills, and 1.6 years in processing speed, indicating the positive impact of the Hardy Brain Camp program, and specifically IM training, on their academic and behavioral development.
Abridged Summary & Results of Study
Academic and Behavioral Improvements in 2nd-8th Grade Students in the hardy Brain Camp Program: Report on the Hardy Brain Camp Pilot Study of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme and the United Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Barbara County
AUTHORS: Jamshid Damooei
YEAR: 2011
Students demonstrated an average increase of 9.1 months in reading, 3.9 months in math, and 1.6 years in processing speed following participation in the Hardy Brain Camp Pilot Program, which includes Interactive Metronome (IM) training.
- n= 54 students (grades 2-8) were studied before and after participation in the Hardy Brain Camp Program that included 20 sessions of IM training (45 minutes each)
- difficulties with learning, attention, organization, behavior, poor grades, listening, following directions, completing schoolwork, reading and/or math weaknesses
-  Pre-post measures
- Mathematics Performance Inventory
- Woodcock-Johnson (processing speed, reading fluency, math)
- WISC Coding and Symbol to measure processing speed
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