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Inside Hardy Brain Camp: An In-Depth Evaluation of Interative Metronome technology
White Paper

Pediatric, Academic Performance, Cognitive Skills
This study assessed the Hardy Brain Camp, a program developed for the Boys and Girls Club of America.
The core concept behind the Hardy Brain Training is the belief that enhancements in processing speed, perceptual-motor, sensory, and cognitive skills result in improved learning.
The program comprises two parts: millisecond timing training (MTT) involving movement to a beat, and a ball bounce activity adding a cognitive component to the beat movement (Ball Training). The central element of Hardy Brain Training is the Interactive Metronome® (IM).
The research involved 62 elementary students from grades 2 to 5, who were randomly assigned to one of three groups: Control, Interactive Metronome®, or Interactive Metronome® plus Ball Training. Prior to and following a training period of 20 sessions, all participants were evaluated using standardized measures of processing speed, reading fluency, and math fluency.
The group that received both IM and Ball Training performed better than the other groups in measures of processing speed, reading fluency, and math fluency.
Abridged Summary & Results of Study
Evaluation of the Hardy Brain Camp by Hannah Grossman & Mary E. Brenner
YEAR: 2012
The group that received IM + ball training improved the most in the area of processing speed (2 years 9.5 months) compared to IM training alone and the control group. The group that received IM training alone improved the most in the areas of reading fluency (8 months) and math fluency (7.5 months) compared to the other groups.
- n= 62 elementary students, grades 2-5, were divided into 3 groups:
- experimental 1: 21 received only IM training
- experimental 2: 20 received IM training plus ball training
- control: 21 received basic Boys and Girls Club enrichment activities, such as homework help and game playing
- pre-post assessment via Woodcock-Johnson: processing speed, reading fluency and math fluency subtests
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