
Open up the Spectrum… Connect with IM-Home!   Does your child have: Poor eye contact Poor interaction skills Impaired communication & language Illegible Handwriting Repetitive action sequences Obsessive behavior like[...]

Conditions Treated

Who We Can Help Because IM-Home targets brain development and growth, a wide spectrum of both children and adults have benefited from using the program. Children IM-Home works for children’[...]

How It Works

What is the secret ingredient in IM? Timing! Picture a clock and imagine opening it up and looking at all the gears rotating in unison. Like a clock, your brain[...]

What is IM-Home

What is IM-Home? The Interactive Metronome (IM) is a research-based training program that helps children and adults overcome attention, memory, and coordination limitations. The IM-Home delivery brings the benefits of[...]

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