Motivation: How to Motivate 7-11 year-olds

Motivating pre-teens is a unique challenge. They may be too young to be fully motivated internally, which requires some sort of reward system. The trick is finding a system that is engaging and motivating for kids without breaking the bank, or teaching children that they will always be paid to complete training.

Motivation: How to Motivate a Teenager!

Wendy Harron is back with a follow-up to her popular piece on motivating children. This time, how to motivate teenagers. Teenagers are going through a period of change, and compounding that with difficult therapy is a recipe for disaster. Find out how to help keep kids working with therapists to achieve everyone's goals.

Motivation and Success

Staying motivated is the key to success in life and with Interactive Metronome training. Check out Wendy Harron's great tips on keeping children motivated to excel with IM.

TBI Can’t Take Your Heart

This TBI Awareness Day enjoy a poem by one of our Providers, Wendy Harron. Wendy knows firsthand how TBI can change your life, but she hasn't let it slow her down. Check out Wendy's inspiring words!

Sensory in Summer

As summer approaches, the world changes for a child with a sensory processing disorder. The type of clothing you wear, the temperature, the foods you eat, your daily schedule, where you play, the list could go on and on. These changes can put our sensory kiddo’s over the edge. But, there are things you can do to help!!

IM helps to increase self awareness


Self awareness impacts so much of our daily life. Awareness of where we are in space has a huge impact on safety. Awareness of other people around us impacts development of our social skills. Awareness of how we maintain our body impacts development of self care skills. 

Gross Motor Skills are impacted by your ability to Focus!

Most of us don’t realize how important focus is to the development of gross motor skills. Jumping, running, walking, throwing a ball – they all require some amount of focusing skills, especially for those who have a medical condition which impacts the development of those skills. 

IM for Kids with Cancer?

I have had the privilege of working with many children who are recovering from their bout with cancer. I have had many children who have gone through intensive chemotherapy and radiation that are left with some motor challenges after their treatment is over. These kiddos are near and dear to my heart, as a child in my family was one of the victims of the terrible thing called cancer. His diagnosis was sudden and tumor removal surgery was scheduled within a few days. When he awoke from surgery, you could tell things were “different”. His speech was slurred and his movements were shaky. His balance was very impaired, as we watched the little soccer star have difficulty with every step. His parents were just heartbroken. Chemo and radiation followed the surgery as well as a bout of rehab which included IM as part of his therapy regimen!

Speech Improvement through Interactive Metronome

I am currently working with a teen who has a great difficulty with initiating anything from movement to speech to fine motor skills. He has a multitude of diagnosis from autism to ataxia. It took over 3 hours to perform standardized testing with him as he had difficulty initiating each task requested of him. He is such a COOL kid who loves drawing and music. Due to his difficulties he is homeschooled. School was just such a difficult place for him as he just took so much longer to perform tasks than the other children did.

Are you new to IM?

Every few weeks, I have a new batch of kids who will be receiving IM during their occupational therapy sessions. This also means there is a whole new batch of parents who like to know what exactly it is that their kids are doing and working on. I always refer them to as well as having them search Interactive Metronome on youtube so they and their children will get some idea of the specialized treatment that their child will receive over the next few weeks. So hopefully the terminology listed below will help you get a better understanding as a parent when your child comes running out to you from their session saying something like “I got 15 bursts today and my task average was 65!”

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