Using IM for Sensory Integration: Special Considerations

Many of the clients we serve present with a variety of Sensory Differences. Some are more evident than others. Some will influence IM performance more than others. Many IM practitioners are familiar with clients who have difficulty sitting still,
tolerating headphones and staying on task.This webinar has been prepared to identify some of the challenges that may befall a client with Sensory Integration issues as they participate in an interactive metronome program. IM practitioners, in turn, will learn how to recognize sensory integration “red flags” that influence client performance and make appropriate IM related accommodations. This webinar is not designed to train an IM practitioner to become an expert in Sensory Integration, but rather as a tool to identify sensory triggers and as a knowledge base to refer on to specialized services as indicated. IM practitioners will learn how to customize their treatment programs to address clients with a variety of sensory triggers. Practitioners will increase flexibility in their approach to IM training and, ultimately, further support the successes of their clients. Course material will be in powerpoint style with easy to reference lists and learning tools. Many photographic examples will be presented to illustrate salient points.
This course is not offered for contact hours/CEUs.
Course Type
On Demand Webinar
FREE (a $15 value!)