Treating Moderate-Severe Pediatric Conditions with IM

Interactive metronome has provided a creative avenue to facilitate progress in children with .

moderate to severe physical and cognitive challenges who previously had very limited functional gains. It has proven to be the catalyst that many children need in order to readily initiate play and social interaction, improve coordination, self-regulate and improve communication.Using IM with this population requires modification of each of the traditional program components. This course will address methods in which to accomplish this in the areas of pre and post assessments, as well as treatments. There will be emphasis on specific treatment ideas, positioning, use of alternate switches and methods to grade progression of interaction with IM while remaining in Phase 1 of treatment. Specific case study examples will be discussed to illustrate modifications and treatment suggestions.

  • CEUs

    This course is not offered for contact hours/CEUs.

  • Course Type

    On Demand Webinar

  • Price

    FREE (a $15 value!)

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