Rehabilitating Fine Motor Skills with Interactive Metronome®

There are many conditions and a variety of techniques included in clinical management of Fine Motor Skills recovery. Just as the presentation of fine motor impairment may vary in its intensity, so too can the application of the Interactive Metronome to

help with its remediation. Key to an IM provider’s skill base is a repertoire of modification strategies in order to provide an individualized treatment plan. As length of stay and duration of rehabilitation are under constant scrutiny, it is vital to approach clinical management of patients with fine motor deficits with fresh, creative and effective modalities that measurably demonstrate a patient’s progress. This course will provide a broad base of knowledge to cover all clinical environments and to give IM providers the flexibility in approach needed to apply Interactive Metronome to functional goals and transition to the next step in treatment planning. Course material will be in PowerPoint style with easy to reference lists and learning tools. Photographic examples and video media will be presented to illustrate salient points.

  • CEUs

    This course is not offered for contact hours/CEUs.

  • Course Type

    On Demand Webinar

  • Price

    FREE (a $15 value!)

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  • AOTA Approved Provider - ASHA Approved Provider - GSA and CE Approved
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Applies to borrowing equpment registration. Offer now thru October 31, 2024.
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