



Matt Wukasch, Director

Matthew Wukasch is CEO of Interactive Metronome and Co-Founder of BrainBeat. Matthew has shaped and led the Interactive Metronome’s growth for the last 10 years. Prior to joining IM, Matt was recruited by United Technologies (UT) into their executive leadership program. He spent the next 10 years in a variety of executive operating roles. As a former National USA cycling champion, Matt has helped build a very strong Junior Cycling team in South Florida. Matt holds his BS and MBA from Purdue University.


Rob Ryan, Director

Rob Ryan is the Executive Chairman of Interactive Metronome and Co-Founder of BrainBeat. He has spent the past ten years on the executive team at Interactive Metronome leading its initiatives in selling to schools, the United States Navy and professional and college athletic teams. After college, Rob taught high school English at Providence-St. Mel, an internationally acclaimed school on Chicago’s West Side and subsequently co-founded the Alain Locke Charter School while in graduate school. Rob worked in business development at eChalk, a provider of web-based communication tools for K-12 before joining IM to lead its education and performance business. Rob holds his JD from the Northwestern University School of Law and a MBA from the Kellogg School of Management. He graduated from Dartmouth College with his BA in English.

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