Course Description:
Join us for a four week program leading to full IM Home Certification (IMHC). IM Home is an expansion of Interactive Metronome, the cutting-edge neurological assessment and treatment tool that is redefining traditional expectations for pediatric and adult therapy outcomes. This new system expands the ways these therapy outcomes can be achieved by making treatment more easily accessed, reducing the cost of treatment and allowing practitioners to develop programs that can be administered for clients who come to the clinic as well as those that receive some of their training sessions at home, school, work or in a care facility other than the practitioner’s office. Improve cognitive, communication, motor and sensory deficiencies in patients who struggle with a host of debilitating conditions, including Auditory and Sensory Processing Disorders, Dyslexia, and other Learning disorders, Autism Spectrum disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Tourette’s Syndrome, Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury and more.
This stimulating course focuses on clinical application for IM Home with various patient populations.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be fully certified in IM Home and will demonstrate working knowledge of both technical and clinical applications of IM Home.
Develop an understanding of Long Form Assessment (LFA) administration and review of LFA results for designing IM Home training plans to improve millisecond (ms) timing based on ms patterns, age of client and treatment goals.
Gain a more thorough understanding of training design, improve ability to adjust training plans and apply IM training techniques to advance therapeutic outcomes for clients with learning, attention, coordination and communication difficulties.
*Contact hours are offered pending successful completion of a written exam at the end of the course.
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Target Audience:
This course welcomes the following professionals who have completed the Interactive Metronome Certification Course.
- Speech and Language Pathologist
- Speech and Language Pathology Asst
- Audiologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Certified Occupational Therapy Asst
- Physical Therapist
- Physical Therapy Asst
- Athletic Trainer
- Licensed Medical, Rehabilitation or Mental Health Professional
- Music Therapist
Instructional Level:
- Intermediate
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Evaluate candidacy for IM Home based on client deficits, ability to work independently and other considerations such as distance, time constraints and need for longer duration of training due to severity of issues;
- Perform Long Form Assessments (LFA) competently;
- Select and modify client training plans using templates based on LFA scores and client progress;
- Produce and interpret reports;
- Develop goals for client progress that are functional and measurable using pre and post LFA scores and client ratings to evaluate progress during training and gains made outside of the training setting.
*Note: This course covers information that pertains to licensed therapists and therapy assistants. COTA and PTA professionals must practice IM under the supervision of a licensed OT or PT.
Specific Learning Outcomes for Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists:
- Evaluate candidacy for IM Home based on client deficits, ability to work independently and other considerations such as distance, time constraints and need for longer duration of training due to severity of issues;
- Perform Long Form Assessments (LFA) competently;
- Select and modify client training plans using templates based on LFA scores and client progress in order to improve speech-language, pragmatic language, and cognitive-communicative skills;
- Produce and interpret reports;
- Develop goals for client progress that are functional and measurable using pre and post LFA scores and client ratings to evaluate progress toward speech therapy goals and carryover to functional communication skills outside of the training setting.
*Note: This course covers information that pertains to licensed therapists and therapy assistants. SLPA professionals must practice IM under the supervision of a licensed SLP.
Sherrie Hardyis a credentialed elementary and middle-school teacher (grades K-9) with reading and adult education credentials, a master’s degree in marital and family therapy, and MIMC Interactive Metronome certification who has trained in sensory integration and perceptual-motor integration. Sherrie has designed perceptual-motor training programs in school, hospital, youth club and therapy clinics. Sherrie opened Hardy Brain Training in Camarillo, CA in 2003 which specializes in creating success for children, teens and adults who struggle with attention, learning and behavior difficulties that have not been successfully treated by special school programs, IEPs, 504 plans, tutoring, counseling, therapy and other programs.
The Interactive Metronome, Inc. has developed and patented a licensed technology trademarked as the Interactive MetronomeÒ. (U.S. Patents #4,919,030; #5,529,498; #5,743,744; #6,719,690; other U.S. and foreign patents pending) Interactive Metronome, Inc. is the sole source of the following products: Interactive MetronomeÒ, Gait MateÒand IM HomeÒ.  Because there are no other like-kind products available, course offerings will only cover information that pertains to the effective and safe use of the above-named products.
Agenda (4 contact hours):
- Speaker introduction & disclosure
- Week 1
- Ratings
- Assessments
- How to set-up the IM-Home equipment
- How to authorize a license
- How to set up the Long Form Assessment (LFA)
- Q & A
- On-line post-test
- Week 2
- How to evaluate LFA
- When to adjust the training
- How to motivate your client remotely
- How to choose a template
- Q & A
- On-line post-test
- Week 3
- Evaluating client progress and adjusting the training plan
- Let’s talk about your client
- Q & A
- On-line post-test
- Week 4
- Evaluating client progress and adjusting the training plan
- Let’s talk about your client
- Q & A
- On-line post test & course evaluation
CEUs Offered for:
- 0.4 ASHA (SLP/SLPAs)
- 0.4 AOTA (OT/COTAs)
- 4.0 BOC (ATs)
- *PTs & PTAs may submit paperwork to your state board for CEUs
Effective July 1, 2011, individuals must meet at least one of the following conditions in order to be eligible to earn ASHA CEUs.
- ASHA Member (includes Life member and International affiliates)
- ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) Holder
- Licensed by a state or provincial regulatory agency to practice speech-language pathology (SLP) or audiology
- Credentialed by a state regulatory agency to practice SLP or audiology
- Credentialed by a national regulatory agency to practice SLP or audiology
- Currently enrolled  in a masters or doctoral program in SLP or audiology