IM in Home Health Care

Interactive Metronome has provided a creative avenue to facilitate progress in clients of all ages. By improving the timing of a person’s “internal clock” we can improve mental processing, attention, and motor coordination which will have a tremendous impact on a person’s ability to function more independently and safely in various activities of daily living.

This course will discuss the use of IM in the Home Health Care setting. There will be emphasis on specific treatment ideas, positioning, and modifications needed to address the vast diversity of clients encountered in Home Health. We will explore traditional and non-traditional ways in which to integrate IM into therapy plans of care and how to incorporate a transdisciplinary approach to improve all functional outcomes / patient goals.

  • CEUs

    This course is not offered for contact hours/CEUs.

  • Course Type

    On Demand Webinar

  • Price

    FREE (a $15 value!)

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