IM training sounds like a winner!
Difficulty with processing sound and language can present a multitude of problems for children. IM understands how these difficulty processing speech and ambient sound can lead to cognitive deficits and behavioral changes. Children may have trouble hearing directions, educational instruction and warnings. Those miscommunications may be misinterpreted as poor behavior, impulsivity and learning disabilities.
As with every one of our senses, hearing is all about the brain processing and responding to external stimuli. Over-crowded schools can lead to problems for children who cannot hear teachers and administrators. Without proper supervision, children with APD could fall behind or be mislabeled as being lazy and poorly behaved. But IM training can help!
Processing and responding to stimuli is a major function of the human brain; in fact, one could argue that it is basically the only function of the brain. IM training goes directly to the source, timing in the brain. APD is related to the body and brain’s ability to synchronize and appropriately respond to stimuli. If the brain and body cannot communicate effectively, efficiently and rhythmically, the signals may get crossed. Sometimes they don’t make it at all. That is where Interactive Metronome® can help. IM training helps ensure the neurons in the brain are firing at peak levels, thereby freeing cognitive function to work on sensory processing, control, attention and coordinated movement.
Interactive Metronome® is a patented and unique training tool that challenges thinking and movement simultaneously, providing real-time millisecond feedback to help synchronize the body’s “internal clock.” Research shows that combining whole body movements with cognitive tasks leads to overall better outcomes. IM is the only training program that improves timing in the brain in an organized, systematic, flexible and engaging format.
IM training is so flexible that you don’t even have to leave your house. IM training no longer means more time in the clinic. No more worrying about fitting training into your schedule. With IM-Home®, your child is able to complete their training under the supervision of your therapist, but in the comfort of your own living room, bedroom, office, etc. Ask your Provider about IM-Home® today!
IM & APD Training
IM is a research-based training program that has been shown to improve deficits seen in those diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder.
Results with Interactive Metronome®
Thousands of clients, case studies & clinical testimonials demonstrate effectiveness
IM Works. Find Out How It Can Impact Your Practice.
With IM you can easily scale & grow your practice, all while achieving better patient outcomes!
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For help with APD/CAPD and many comorbid conditions, look for Providers with our “Speech/Language” badge on our Provider Locator Board. Also, Providers with these badges have additional training for children from similar backgrounds and symptoms: Academic, Brain Injury/Stroke, Early Intervention, Innovative Pediatrics, Motor (Neuro/Ortho), Reading/Literacy and SPD/ADHD.