Overcoming delays with rhythm and timing! Developmental delays take multiple forms, including impairments of general intelligence, difficulty with specific scholastic skills, trouble coordinating motor skills, and social communicative disorders like[...]
IM training can help the lingering effects! Your brain is protected by a layer of fluid that cushions your brain keeps it from bumping into your skull. However, when you[...]
A synchronized brain overcomes crossed signals! Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) goes beyond trouble with vision and hearing, often affecting the tactile, proprioception, or vestibular system. Difficulty interpreting stimuli can lead[...]
Helping you recover what matters most! Brain injuries are very different than any other injury because our brain stores all of our memories, controls our movements and shapes our personality;[...]
Don’t let Parkinson’s disease slow you down! Modern technology has extended the human lifespan, but diseases like Parkinson’s can rob someone of their quality of life during these later years.[...]
Leading the way in drug-free ADHD training! A wealth of information abounds concerning children with ADHD, and how television and video games are to blame. Well, at some point, those[...]
Learning to succeed! Children with learning disabilities (LD) can present a variety of challenges for parents and educators. Untreated, these children may also face difficult and unique challenges that are[...]
IM, training for the brain and body! Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common motor disability in children, but also leads to problems with speech, vision and cognition. CP is[...]
Let IM be the missing piece… Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) presents a unique set of challenges. Children deal with a wide range of symptoms and require very different treatment plans.[...]
IM training sounds like a winner! Difficulty with processing sound and language can present a multitude of problems for children. IM understands how these difficulty processing speech and ambient sound[...]
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