Button Trigger

Button Trigger

IM’s Button Trigger can be placed anywhere you can think of. It is meant to get your patient reaching, tapping, clapping or tracking. The durable design can handle rough strikes as well as light fingertip tapping. Since your goal is to get the client to move repetitively while focusing, your creative placement of the Button Trigger is critical.

Clients know that hitting the trigger becomes their goal and that is what they focus on. Place it on their opposite shoulder to have them reach across midline repeatedly, place it on your own palm and move your hand so they have to visually scan for it while carrying out the motor movement. Take your exercise from gross motor to fine motor on the same trigger and watch as your clients seek out the trigger and focus repeatedly on their goal.

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    Certification: Interactive Metronome for Pediatrics & Adults This is not your everyday boring classroom certification class. You won't be just sitting at a seat listening to a lecture. At an IM Certification Course you will get to participate in a highly hands-on class. Plus, you will get to experience our famous Group and Lab work part of the course.

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    *CEUs Offered For: 0.8 ASHA (SLP), 0.8 AOTA/10 NBCOT PDUs (OT/COTA)
    *PTs & PTAs: Approved for year 2016 in AK (0.8 CEUs), AL (no approval required; 0.8 CEUs), AR (0.8 CEUs), CO (no approval required; 0.8 CEUs), FL (8.0 CEH), IL (0.8 CEUs), KS (0.75 CEUs), MD (0.8 CEUs), PA (0.8 CEUs), TN (0.8 CEUs), TX (8 CCUs), VA (0.8 CEUs), WI (0.8 CEUs), WV (0.8 CEUs).
    *Others may submit paperwork to your state board for CEUs. Check your state for eligibility. Approval of this course does not imply that any of the PT Boards listed here support the views of the presenter or sponsor.
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