Maintaining Your Patient Relationships: How SSDI Can Help
Sustaining your therapy practice can be challenging when your adult patients experience financial difficulties themselves. This course explains how you can help your patients achieve better treatment outcomes by access to vital income through the federal insurance program called Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). SSDI is a vital alternative when your patients’ have experienced a chronic injury or illness that prevents them from working.
Health conditions more likely to qualify for SSDI include stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, cancer, myasthenia gravis, and neurological and degenerative medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and osteoarthritis.
Interactive Metronome is collaborating with disability services provider, Allsup, to bring training that outlines the importance of SSDI for adult patients, why it’s often overlooked as a resource, the complexity of the application and appeals process, and how you can easily guide them to support with this process. Participants will add to their options for helping maintain the therapy relationship with their adult patients for as long as they need treatment, and be able to restart therapy with those who may have stopped due to financial limitations.
Presented by Tricia Blazier, J.D., Healthcare & Financial Planning Director for Allsup
Tricia Blazier, J.D., is Healthcare & Financial Planning Director for Allsup, and applies her expertise and proficiency in healthcare issues and personal finances by helping individuals and providers, employers and insurance carriers to navigate complex government programs.
Her knowledge covers a range of healthcare, financial and benefits planning issues for people with disabilities and workers navigating benefits decisions, including applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. She handles a variety of responsibilities with Allsup, including development of new products, services and partnership programs. She joined Allsup in 2007 as an appeals analyst, where she assisted claimants at the hearing level in securing their SSDI benefits. Since then, she has worked to develop new offerings to help those with serious health conditions access income, healthcare and seek financial and health well-being with assistance from Allsup.
She has a bachelor’s degree from St. Louis University and she earned her Juris Doctor from the St. Louis University School of Law.
Course Recording & Materials
Contact Allsup with any questions, comments, or concerns:
Phone: 1-866-477-7005
Learn More:
Allsup supports your patients with an online portal, chat and phone support
Learn more about Allsup and SSDI by visiting YouTube: “wecareaboutu”
Act fast! Refer three qualified patients to Allsup by May 31 using our clinician form and receive a $50 Amazon gift card.
Client Marketing Resources for SSDI
Interactive Metronome (IM) and Allsup are collaborating to assist eligible adult patients with applying for and receiving Social Security disability income (which can be a lengthy and complex process) in order to help them continue accessing or reactivate their treatment with IM-affiliated providers. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federal insurance program for former workers that provides monthly income and free return-to-work assistance, if applicable.
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You may directly refer patients for a free SSDI screening by using this form.
Patients can get started with their SSDI screening and application by visiting InteractiveMetronome.Allsup.com.