Holiday season, fun and games for some and overstimulation for others…


Holiday season, fun and games for some and overstimulation for others…

The holiday season is here and is packed with a frenzy of a million things to do like: gift-wrappings, relatives coming to town, meal preparations, and chaotic shopping. If you feel overwhelmed from this then imagine the potential effects on your child. Many parents of children with ADHD or Autism may be somewhat used to dealing with the effects of overstimulation. Under the right circumstances any child can be over stimulated.  Here at Interactive Metronome® we want to wish you the best holiday season ever, and in order to facilitate that we have gathered some tips that could help you deal with overstimulation.


Occupational Therapists

Occupational Therapists Occupational Therapists understand quality of life, and they know how important the simple things can be. Life is about playing with your kids, gardening, playing an instrument, dancing,[...]

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