
Resources provides military-specific information and resources on traumatic brain injury to veterans, service members in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard, Reserve, and their families. Through[...]

Developmental Delays

Overcoming delays with rhythm and timing! Developmental delays take multiple forms, including impairments of general intelligence, difficulty with specific scholastic skills, trouble coordinating motor skills, and social communicative disorders like[...]

How It Works

Did you know that your brain has an “internal clock” that keeps time? And that it does so at various intervals: microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours?  Timing in the[...]


IM training can help the lingering effects! Your brain is protected by a layer of fluid that cushions your brain keeps it from bumping into your skull. However, when you[...]

History of Interactive Metronome

History of Interactive Metronome Interactive Metronome was developed in the early 1990s and immediately proved of great benefit to children diagnosed with learning and developmental disorders. Over the years, clinical[...]


Leadership   Matt Wukasch, Director Matthew Wukasch is CEO of Interactive Metronome and Co-Founder of BrainBeat. Matthew has shaped and led the Interactive Metronome’s growth for the last 10 years.[...]

Sensory Processing Disorder

A synchronized brain overcomes crossed signals! Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) goes beyond trouble with vision and hearing, often affecting the tactile, proprioception, or vestibular system. Difficulty interpreting stimuli can lead[...]

Adult Brain Injury

Helping you recover what matters most! Brain injuries are very different than any other injury because our brain stores all of our memories, controls our movements and shapes our personality;[...]


Don’t let Parkinson’s disease slow you down! Modern technology has extended the human lifespan, but diseases like Parkinson’s can rob someone of their quality of life during these later years.[...]

Adult ADHD

Leading the way in drug-free ADHD training! A wealth of information abounds concerning children with ADHD, and how television and video games are to blame. Well, at some point, those[...]

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