Is it Neurological Reorganization or Sensory Overload? Self-Study    


  • Audiologist
  • Speech and Language Pathologist
  • Speech and Language Pathology Asst
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Occupational Therapy Assistant
  • Physical Therapist
  • Physical Therapy Asst
  • Athletic Trainer
  • Educator
  • Psychologist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Neurologist
  • Licensed Medical, Rehabilitation or Mental Health Professional
  • Music Therapist

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Course Description
This course has been generated by the interest of IM providers concerned with improving their ability to distinguish the effects of the Interactive Metronome program on neurological reorganization. Particularly prominent in the pediatric population, many providers are reporting functional changes during IM that may be interpreted as an expression of the sensory system, or may be due to subtle changes in neurological reorganization. How to identify systems within the central nervous system versus core neurological changes can be quite the challenge, and often a cause for worry. Issues such as perceived functional regression and negative reactions may easily create cause for confusion and concern. This presentation will attempt to clarify key points. Upon completion of this course, providers will demonstrate greater flexibility to create IM programs with more precision & successful outcomes. Providers will learn to guide family members and care staff through the process. Course materials will include easy-to-reference lists and learning tools. Photographic and video examples will be presented to illustrate salient points and reinforce learning.
Instructor(s) - One of the following:

Mary Jones, OTR/L, LMT, CIMT graduated from St. Loye's School of Occupational Therapy (UK) in 1986. Has been an Occupational Therapist for 20 (+) years and has been practicing in the USA since 1993. Additional training has included a BS in Healthcare and Social Welfare from Manchester University in 1992, Massage Therapy License in 1996, NDT certification in 1994. Mary has worked in a variety of healthcare settings in both the USA and the UK. These include home health in the inner-city (London), orthopedics, geriatric psychiatry, outpatient rehab, brain injury specialty (adult and pediatric) and pediatric outpatient therapy. Clinical advanced training includes NDT advanced courses, infant massage certification, cranio-sacral therapy, myofascial release techniques, motor control and the development of motor learning, Therapeutic Listening Program, Integrated Listening Systems, Brain Gym, Pilates, Active Isolated Stretching Techniques, Visual-motor Training, Vestibular Training, Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention, Handwriting Without Tears, ADHD and Nutrition Interventions, Aromatherapy, Aquatic Therapy, Sensory Integration assessment and interventions, Autism assessment and interventions, Interactive Metronome Certification and Development of Best Practice Strategies with IM. Mary owns her own pediatric practice "Sensational Kids LLC", based out of Bradenton, FL. Mary has lectured extensively in her field at a local and national level.

Course Objectives:

Target Audience:
This webinar welcomes the following professionals who have completed the Interactive Metronome Certification Course.

  1. Speech and Language Pathologist
  2. Speech and Language Pathology Asst
  3. Audiologist
  4. Occupational Therapist
  5. Certified Occupational Therapy Asst
  6. Physical Therapist
  7. Physical Therapy Asst
  8. Athletic Trainer
  9. Educator
  10. Psychologist
  11. Psychiatrist
  12. Neurologist
  13. Licensed Medical, Rehabilitation or Mental Health Professional
  14. Music Therapist
*You must have completed the Interactive Metronome Certification course prior to attending this course.

Instructional Level:

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the basic components of Sensory Integration and how these may influence client performance;
  2. Describe the basic components of neurological reorganization and how these may influence client performance;
  3. Identify common problems associated with sensory integration/neurological reorganization issues;
  4. Identify special considerations for IM use with clients presenting with neurological organization or sensory integration issues.
*Note: This course covers information that pertains to licensed therapists and therapy assistants. COTA and PTA professionals must practice IM under the supervision of a licensed OT or PT.

Specific Learning Outcomes for SLPs and Audiologists:

  1. Describe the basic components of Sensory Integration and how these may influence client performance & communicative interactions;
  2. Describe the basic components of neurological reorganization and how these may influence client performance & communicative interactions;
  3. Identify common problems associated with sensory integration/neurological reorganization issues & their impact on communication, language, and cognitive-linguistic abilities;
  4. Identify special considerations for Interactive Metronome use with clients who present with neurological organization or sensory integration issues in order to maximize therapy outcomes.
*Note: This course covers information that pertains to licensed therapists and therapy assistants. SLPA professionals must practice IM under the supervision of a licensed SLP.


The Interactive Metronome, Inc. has developed and patented a licensed technology trademarked as the Interactive Metronome®. (U.S. Patents #4,919,030; #5,529,498; #5,743,744; #6,719,690; other U.S. and foreign patents pending) Interactive Metronome, Inc. is the sole source of the following products: Interactive Metronome® , Gait Mate® and IM Home®. Because there are no other like-kind products available, course offerings will only cover information that pertains to the effective and safe use of the above-named products.

Course Meets Requirements for:
    PTs & PTAs may submit paperwork to your state board. Check your state for eligibility.